YOU are responsible for your own:
- Personal Development
- Knowledge
- Financial Situation
- Health
- Happiness
- Success
- Credibility
- Brand
- Your Children’s Upbringing
YOU are responsible... nobody else!
"Achieving excellence is not only possible... it's an obligation!"
These simple questions challenge you to articulate your Value.
Are you prepared to give your BEST answers right now?
If you’re ‘lucky’, someone will actually ask you one of these questions. Most likely, however, people will just wait for you to prove it with your behavior.
Which is more important to you – to be entertained or to get paid?
Before you quickly give the obvious ‘right’ answer, first honestly reflect upon what you invest much of your Valuable time and focus doing day-in & day-out. Whether it is surfing the internet, listening to music, watching television or hanging out with friends (all of which are perfectly OK to do), those are conscious short-term investments of your time that could be devoted to achieving your long-term dreams & desires.
Here is a simple challenge for you: On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest), rate everything that you do for the next month as it relates to whether or not it is helping you achieve your long-term personal & financial goals.
EVERYTHING that you do is a CHOICE… What are you CHOOSING to do?
Imagine that you are at a professional networking event. A smiling stranger walks up to you and says, “Hi, my name is John. I’d like to be your friend!” While you might be a little skeptical, since it is a networking event… and this person seems to be normal, you would probably answer, “Sure, John!” And, the relationship begins…
So far, so good, right? Suddenly, and for the rest of eternity, John does nothing but sell, Sell, SELL! And you quickly realize that John never wanted to be your Friend. He just wanted a prospect to SPAM. What a waste! Today’s world of social media connectivity is no different. So many people ask for your Friendship only to treat you like an anonymous name in a phone book.
I will soon begin a systematic purging of the worst offenders from my ‘friends’ network… because I am searching for Real connections, Real relationships, Real Friends.
Good-bye ‘friends’… Hello Friends!
I called a good Friend/client today to wish him a “Happy Anniversary!” On the surface, that does not seem extraordinary, but it is. It is because today is his 12th anniversary of getting a kidney transplant. He just happened to mention the date in passing many months ago, and (me being me) I wrote that date in my calendar. I wrote it down because he is my Friend… and because I know that today is an important day in his Life.
Ask young children the following question, “Are you artists?” They will confidently answer, “Yes, we are!” They will have had little or no training, and their creations will be far from masterful… but they believe that doesn’t matter. They believe that creating art… makes you an artist… regardless of how good you are. They instinctively understand that they must first be bad at something if they ever wants to become good at it.
For thousands of years, the definition of the word “friend” was universal:
Thanks to the Wonders of Technology, today’s definition has changed slightly. Now, for many people it’s more like this:
The world has too few experts… and there is only one reason why: Choice!
1) Pick a topic on which you want to become an expert (preferably something that could help people.
2) Go to the bookstore or library and read at least three non-fiction books on that subject.
3) Help and share your knowledge with others to make this world a
4) Repeat
If given the choice of hearing “No” or “Maybe” from a prospect, which answer would you prefer? By their behavior, it appears that many sales professionals choose “Maybe”. However, most successful people would much prefer to hear a definite “No”.