People are afraid to dream. That’s the punch line of today’s message. People prove this sad reality countless times every day… thru their words, thoughts and actions.
“Have a good day”… is what millions of people say to each other. It sounds polite and perfectly innocent, but it strikes at the core of the problem. When given the chance to wish something for somebody (including for themself), the best that most people choose to wish for… is good. What a waste!
Being a consultant, coach and mentor to individuals & organizations, I ask a lot of questions about goals, and it amazes me how low most people set their sights. If someone asks me to help create a plan to achieve “Ultimate Success”, I can do that. If someone asks me to help create a plan to achieve a pitiful goal, I can do that too. The catch is that they will be different plans.
Wishes & Dreams should NEVER be wasted.
If you’re going to dream… DREAM BIG!
Have an Excellent day!